Good Deeds Day or El Día de las Buenas Acciones, is always a time to celebrate doing good in Central America. The seven countries that make up the land mass between North and South America are full of rich cultures that are deeply rooted in tradition, according to Frommers. Celebrations and festivities are an important part of this heritage which is why the global day of doing good resonates so well with the people of this region.
What is Good Deeds Day?
Good Deeds Day (GDD), now in its 18th year, is much more than just a day of doing good in your community. It is a global movement that believes that every person can do something good to help change the world.
“I believe that if people will think good, speak good and do good, the circles of goodness will grow in the world,” said Shari Arison, philanthropist, businesswoman, and the founder of GDD.
The first GDD was held in just one country, Israel, in 2007. This day of kindness and volunteering morphed into a global movement in 2011. Now this global day of volunteering and doing good is celebrated in 110 countries by millions of people worldwide.
The first GDD in Latin America was held in 2014 in Costa Rica Here are three countries that are really rocking it on April 14, 2024.
Good Deeds Day transforms communities in Honduras
Good Deeds Day began in Honduras in 2016 with just one project that helped 25 families and has grown to encompass most of the country. The day is celebrated with festivals and projects that aim to transcend people’s lives by transforming their communities, according to the GDD organization in Honduras. But the organization is dedicated to helping people 365 days a year by continuing to promote volunteerism, kindness, solidarity, and empathy to make Honduras a better place to live. These projects support education, health, environmental awareness and taking care of the less fortunate.
Good Deeds Day NGO fairs in Costa Rica
Good Deeds Day got off to a running start in 2014 where in just five weeks, 50 projects were organized that involved over 500 people, according to GDD. Since 2017, a festival and NGO fair has been held every year. This year in no exception and there will be fairs in five of the seven provinces. Other projects like visiting the elderly, beach cleanups, planting community gardens, and medical fairs are held on GDD and throughout the year.
Good Deeds Day festival in Guatemala
Good Deeds Day has been celebrated in Guatemala since 2016. In February 2024, a press tour was held throughout the country to promote GDD projects, including the Sumate A Lo Bueno festival that will be held on April 14 in Domingo. The GDD Guatemala organization strives to do good all year long, especially around the holiday season.
Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Initiated in 2007 by business woman and philanthropist Shari Arison, Good Deeds Day has grown to 110 countries with millions of participants. Good Deeds Day 2024 will take place on April 14.
This article was originally published on Goodnet and appears here with permission.