Good Deeds Honduras is established in most areas in the country, with a team of volunteers deeply engaged with performing good deeds all year round and improving our everyday life. We are looking for responsible people who are eager to make a difference.
In 2016, a Volunteers Team was made up to celebrate Good Deeds Day in Honduras for the first time. In this edition, we visited the Ojojona community in the Francisco Morazan Department, where we brought help for 25 low-income families. The next year, we carried out a central activity where we sowed 300 tree seeds in Intibuca. In 2018, we organized the Good Deeds Festival in Rivera Hernandez, San Pedro Sula. In 2019, a medical brigade reached over 900 people in Río Blanquito, Choloma. In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, we delivered supplies to more than 150 families in Intibuca, Tegucigalpa, Rio Blanquito, Patuca and La Ceiba. In 2021, we launched the Good Deeds Festival again in Tegucigalpa, and we also delivered supplies in San Pedro Sula.
Get involved!
Country Committee
Yolanda Torres
torresf.yolanda@gmail.comCountry Coordinator
Albertina Vasquez
a.vasquez66@hotmail.comCholoma Coordinator
Kony Urbina
konnyu15@gmail.comLa Ceiba Coordinator
Kevin Mercado
kevinariel93@gmail.comTegucigalpa Coordinator
Johan Chevez
johanchevez01@gmail.comCholuteca Coordinator
Eliana Flores
floreseliana800@gmail.comPatuca Coordinator
Mayland Santiago
maylandsantiago@gmail.comSan Pedro Sula Cortes Coordinator
Our Partners
In Good Deeds Honduras, we believe Doing Good is a life culture that must be practiced every day. For this reason, we decided to start this movement which allows us to perform good deeds on an everyday basis and leave a mark in different areas of our country. During this year we developed activities with our volunteers and beneficiaries. We currently have 7 units in different cities across Honduras, and more than 400 volunteers nationwide. Our projects are innovative and, following the ‘new normal’ safety measures in the world since the pandemic, we have adapted to the digital environment and smaller groups.
SDG Focus
Since the pandemic was declared, we have worked to adapt and to keep making an impact. Since early 2020, we have brought donations to vulnerable communities all over the country. We have also created our first pilot project ENGLISH4theLife, an English teaching program for children and adults operated by volunteers, called COACH. We are also developing women entrepreneur groups, providing them with guidance during the process. Our first experience with this project included women coffee producers, considering that our country’s coffee is among the world’s best.