The Good Deeds Day movement in Bolivia strives to organize activities and projects in the cities of Sucre and Santa Cruz since 2016, under the aegis of the CONAVOL (National Volunteering Council) and CEBOFIL (Bolivian Philanthropy Centre) organizations.
Our goal is to create an impact by carrying out Good Deeds 365 days a year in the 9 departments of Bolivia. In 2020, the National Coordination of Good Deeds Day was formalized in the country and, together with the Global Volunteer Network Foundation, we organized to strengthen the Local Committees of Good Deeds Day in the capital cities of Bolivia.
We are in Bolivia since 2017, and have built a strong national movement to this day. We want you to join our team and make an ever larger and stronger GDD!
Get involved!
Country Committee
Samuel Cabero
dbabolivia@gmail.comCountry Coordinator
Andrea Delgadillo
andydelgadillo5@gmail.comCochabamba Coordinator
Edwin Oroza
edwinjefe07@gmail.comSucre Coordinator
Marianela Olarte Burgos
marianelaolarteburgos@gmail.comTarija Coordinator
Paulina Velasquez
paoliferrufino@gmail.comPando Coordinator
Natalia Arias
natyarias99espinoza@gmail.comOruro Coordinator
Sergio Luna
slunabalboa@gmail.comEl Alto Coordinator
Paola Quispe
paolagabrielaquispequispe@gmail.comLa Paz Coordinator
Silvia Meruvia Landers
silvialanders@gmail.comSanta Cruz Coordinator
Our Partners
In Good Deeds Day Bolivia we want to promote and strengthen the volunteer service in our country, and to generate impact strategies to attract and retain volunteers in Organizations, Institutions and Volunteer Groups. Our Volunteer Action is governed by the principles of:
Solidarity, with a global awareness that demands coherence between daily attitudes and commitments and the elimination of injustices and inequalities;
Humanity, having the protection life and respect for the cultural principles of the human person as priorities, promoting social peace among volunteers and citizens of the world;
Harmony, since we must respect life and Mother Earth to maintain balance and establish harmony between human beings and nature;
Consensus, since our decisions and agreements are framed in equity and dialogue to maintain permanent consensus and horizontality;
Complementarity, since all volunteer organizations must include ourselves to form an integral whole; and
Reciprocity, where each act or volunteer activity affects or is a consequence of the act of another person. That is why, at all times, we are always giving and receiving.
SDG Focus
Among the many projects we host annually, we can highlight the collection of disposable bottle caps, which are delivered to the recycler, and receive a monetary donation for children with cancer in exchange. We also organize a collection of solid waste to clean up mother earth.
During the pandemic, the Scouting Movement in Bolivia has prepared meals for people who work on the street, delivered masks to help them protect themselves from COVID-19, and donated supplies to working children and teenagers.